Terms and conditions

  1.   The Cryospheric Ecosystem Conference will be held in Poznań, Poland, on the 1st- 4th September 2025. 
  2.   The scientific part will be held exclusively in the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) building at Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego St. 6, 61-689 Poznań, Poland. The social meetings will be organized outside the building of the Faculty of Biology.
  3.   The scientific part is scheduled for 2nd- 4th September 2025. The social meetings are scheduled on the 1st (icebreaker and registration) and 5th (trip for those willing) of September 2025.
  4.   The event is noncommercial and purely scientific.
  5.   The main focus of the conference is research in the field of biodiversity, ecology, biogeochemistry and pollution of glaciers, snow, sea ice and permafrost, impact of glaciers on the adjacent systems (forefields, streams, sea) and cryosphere-atmosphere interaction. The conference covers a broad spectrum of disciplines related to the functioning of the cryospheric ecosystems: biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and glaciology.
  6.   The committee is divided into a local committee (including Polish scientists, specialists in the field), an International committee (including scientists from abroad, specialists in the field), and co-organizers & technical support (including scientists, students, PhD candidates and technicians).
  7.   The leading role in the organizing committee is played by the staff of Faculty of Biology [AMU], which is reflected by their position in the conference documents as committee representatives.
  8.   The committee organizes the event pro publico bono.
  9.   The organizing committee is responsible for organizing the event, payment tracking, setting up and maintaining the website, announcements, contact with participants, technical support, facilitating the logistics, preparing the agenda and schedule of the conference, organizing the lecture rooms and coffee breaks.
  10. All important information on the event (deadlines, a template for abstract submission, fees, tips on logistics) will be announced online on the website as well as sent directly to the scientific institutions and selected scientific groups working in the cryospheric disciplines worldwide. The news about the event will be announced on the institutional websites and social media of organizers and their institutions.
  11. The submission of the conference contributions may be done as posters or oral presentations. Each participant is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts as a lead author.
  12. The number of oral presentations is limited, and the order of submissions may decide whether a contribution is accepted for an oral presentation.
  13. The organizing committee may ask participants to change a poster to an oral presentation or vice-versa.
  14. Authors of the oral presentations and posters are responsible for informing the audience on the slides and posters about permissions for taking pictures and any other form of intellectual property. The proper icons allowing or not allowing to take pictures of slides and posters will be provided by organizers in the announcement.
  15. Any new scientific substantive information not published before during the event can not be delivered to outside parties, reproduced on the internet, or otherwise disseminated without the explicit permission of the authors of the oral presentations and posters. 
  16. Presentation and poster content must adhere to ethical and professional standards. The organizers are responsible for the strict timing of presentations and are allowed to stop the oral talk or remove a poster if the content is inappropriate (insulting other people or culture, or otherwise showing a lack of respect for other members of the community).
  17. The organizing committee estimated the optimal fee for attending the conference based on the available prices of public transport, catering service in Poznań, and basic promotion materials at AMU in 2024.
  18. The fee covers the costs of the coffee breaks, lunch breaks, public transport, conference materials, and an icebreaker.
  19. Registration fees must be paid in full BEFORE arrival to secure a spot at the conference.
  20. Payments and requests for invoices can be made via contact with the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation.
  21.   A discount is provided for students and PhD candidates.
  22.   Refunds are not provided.
  23.   The conference dinner and additional activities (a guided trip in Poznań) is paid for separately.
  24.   If participants require a letter of invitation for a visa application, we will provide the documents after we have received the full payment.
  25.   If the Organizing committee has to cancel the event, liability is limited to a full refund of the event registration fee only. We will not refund any travel, visa, or hotel costs associated with the cancellation of an event.
  26.   Organizers accept no liability if the conference is cancelled or postponed for reasons beyond our reasonable control, resulting from natural disasters, fire, war, terrorist activity, governmental action or regulation or civil unrest.
  27. All conference delegates are responsible for their own travel and visa arrangements. Organizers will not take any responsibility for travel or visa problems.
  28. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organizing committee to change the content and timing of the final programme, the speakers, or the location of the social events.
  29. The organizing committee reserves the right to invite media to the event.
  30. Due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, students, PhD candidates and scientists affiliated or linked with the Russian institutions are not accepted as participants in the event.
  31. Any problems or queries should be submitted to the organizing committee through the email address available on the conference website (organizing committee responding to the emails Monday–Friday 9am–4pm GMT +01).